By Administration
Thursday, Mar 30th, 2023

Looking for a delicious and wholesome recipe for the kids? We think our easy Cheese Soldiers & Dippy Eggs recipe is perfect for the colder mornings, or weekend breakfasts!
2 x free range eggs
2 x slices of ciabatta or five grain bread
4 x tbsp of grated cheese
1 tsp of chives
To get the perfect soft-boiled egg, it really comes down to timing. Bring the water up to the a boil, then add the eggs to the pot and using a timer, set for 6 minutes.
Once the eggs are boiled, remove the eggs with a slotted spoon, serve in egg cups.
Toast bread until slightly golden, then place a metal tray and sprinkle with grated cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper. Place in oven until the cheese has melted and then scatter over chives while cheese is still soft. Cut into soldiers.